Principles of publishing ethics for monographs published by the Faculty of Law of MU
The aim of these principles is to prevent possible unlawful and unethical practices of authors of proceedings.
By sending a contribution to the publisher, the author confirms that his contribution is an original work that has not been published yet. Any plagiarism, submission of identical or published manuscripts, inaccurate data and false statements are considered unacceptable and unethical by the publisher. Non-original and plagiarized works will not be published.
The principles of publication ethics are based on the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) sources.
- COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors - COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers - Guide for new researchers
In case some questions are not expressly provided for in this policy, the COPE sources shall apply as supporting. The provisions on journal publishing ethics are applied in a similar way.
Before starting any cooperation, the publisher will inform authors, editors and reviewers about these principles. At the same time, the publisher will inform them of the existence of COPE documents and their supporting or reasonable application.
- guarantee that the contribution in the proceedings is their original work,
- comply with the formal requirements set by the publisher, including the rules for citing sources,
- adhere to the obligation to name co-authors,
- guarantee that the same article was not simultaneously sent for publication in another proceedings, monograph or journal,
- guarantee that the article has not been published in the past, that is, it is the original work,
- observe citation ethics and list all sources used,
- undertake to notify the publisher of any doubt as to the originality and authorship of the contributions.
Editorial Board
- decides on the publication of the papers in the relevant edition series,
- respects the requirement of originality,
- respects that publication-related information (such as peer reviews) is confidential,
- prevents potential conflicts of interest between authors and reviewers,
- decides to include the monograph in the editorial series with regard to reviews,
- does not include a manuscript in the series that is suspected to be non-original, i.e.. is the result of plagiarism.
- contribute to the improvement of peer-reviewed manuscripts by their impartial and constructive assessment using factual and objective arguments without any personal attacks against the author,
- comply with the publisher's instructions,
- maintain the anonymity of double blind peer reviews and respect the confidentiality of information about the publication process,
- meet the deadlines set by the publisher,
- avoid conflicts of interest; this conflict of interest shall be brought to the attention of the publisher in due time,
- report plagiarism if it is suspected.