Academic qualifications
Habilitation procedure
The aim of the habilitation procedure (Procedure for Conferring “Venia docendi”) is to confirm scientific and scholarly qualifications and pedagogical competence of the applicant to be appointed “docent” (associate professor) in a particular field. For this purpose, a Scientific Board of the faculty nominates a five-member Assessment Board (Habilitation Board) to assess whether or not an applicant meets the required qualifications and further criterions.
Applicants submit lists of their published scholarly, scientific and specialist work and activities to prove their scientific qualification. Furthermore, at the beginning of the habilitation procedure applicants must submit a scientific thesis ("habilitation thesis") which they defend in the course of the procedure.
Applicants also submit documentation proving their pedagogical experience and during the procedure hold two lectures to demonstrate their pedagogical competence. The first lecture ("a public lecture") take place during the procedure following the instructions given by the Assessment Board, while the second lecture ("a habilitation lecture") is held at a public session of the Scientific Board of the faculty.
Procedure for the appointment of a professor
The aim of the procedure for the appointment of a professor is to confirm scientific and scholarly qualifications and pedagogical competence of an applicant, a figure recognized by the scientific community, for being appointed “profesor” (professor) in a particular field. For this purpose, a Scientific Board of the faculty nominates a five-member Assessment Board to assess whether or not an applicant meets the required qualifications and further criterions.
Applicants submit lists of their published scholarly, scientific and specialist work and activities to prove their scientific qualification. Applicants also submit documentation proving their pedagogical experience and during the procedure hold a lecture (“a public lecture”) to demonstrate their pedagogical competence.
Once the assessment board issue a recommendation on applicant’s appointment the Scientific Board of the faculty invites an applicant to give a lecture presenting his/her conception of the scholarly, scientific or artistic work and teaching in the relevant field.
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